Raks Al Zahra 10th Anniversary
2014: In the beginning, there was a group of six determined dancers who were focused on improving their dancing, and requested Natalie for additional training. Unlike open classes, the semi-private group met week after week and practiced choreographies. When they won their first group competition, Natalie felt their hard work should be seen and thought of organizing a showcase for them. The group needed a name. The idea of a plant growing also matched their image of movement and personal evolution—the idea of a blooming flower captured the energy of the dancers and it was named Raks Al Zahra (the dancing flowers). Since then, the garden has continued to grow for years and years. Now we are pleased to celebrate this year our 10th Anniversary of successful outcome. They bring joy, excitement, and a new perspective to the art of dance that will leave you feeling Al Zahra.
We are celebrating a decade of dance, culture, and community. Experience the joy of movement and celebrate with us.
Don’t miss this special event marking a milestone in the Raks Al Zahra journey!
Raks Al Zahra is a dance program that specializes in various types of Egyptian dance, folk, classical, and modern styles. The group is based in New York City and practices under the direction of Natalie Nazario. Raks Al Zahra started in May 2014 when they debuted at Spring Caravan in New Jersey. Since then, they have earned many accolades, including winning first place at the NYCairo Raks Festival in 2015, as well as first place at RakStar in 2018 and then again at Heart of America in 2019. They have performed in Canada, Puerto Rico, USA, Japan, and Egypt. The meaning of Raks Al Zahra embodies the beauty and uniqueness of a flower. Our dancers are international and culturally diverse. We promote inclusivity and representation of all body types in dance. True to our values, Raks Al Zahra represent trust, respect, possitivity, dedication, gratitude, support, and passion.
Artistic Director
Natalie Nazario
Raks Al Zahra (NYC)
Iris Goddesses
Cerezmy Salcido
Clara Henriquez
Jen Juniper
Phyo Phyo
Raks Al Zahra International
Lamiah - Singapore
India - New Jersey, USA
Jeri - New York, USA
Nahara - Peru
Miosotis - Puerto Rico
Shirley - Canada
Raks Al Zahra Puerto Rico


